To the right are the fonts I was thinking of using for my masthead on the front cover of my music magazine. The top one was the one I had chosen as my masthead. I chose this font over the others because it was the one that stood out the most to me and my audience. The reason for the text on the left is because of a change of masthead. Originally I chose 'Trance' to be my masthead to as, for me it relates to music and the effect it may have on you. Not knowing that trance is also a name for a genre f music that did not link to my R&B music magazine at all. As a fault of lack of research into my masthead, I had to come up with something else. After choosing a variety of different words to relate to my magazine, I came across 'Pulse'. Through some feedback, this was the name that appealed the most. Also, for me I felt that it was quick, easy and simple. 'Pulse' could even relate to
having your finger on the pulse, I thought this masthead would give the magazine the right idea to the target audience. Although I changed the name, after testing the masthead with similar/different fonts, I decided to stick with the same font, as it gave the same effect that appealed to me in the first place.